Moral Quote

Pratikriya Virati

1. Do not react.

2. Always act.

3. Reactions cause failure.

4. Positive action bring success. 


1. Do not wait for your parents, teachers and elders to discipline you.

2. Practice to be self-disciplined.

Balancing life

1. Strike a balance between action and inaction.

2. Both action and inaction are necessary.

3. Positive actions bring success in life.

4. Inaction brings peace and harmony.


1. Honesty is the best policy.

2. Always be honest in whatever work you do. 

3. Cheating, dishonesty, falsehood and untruth are traits of a bad personality.

4. Try to build a personality which has a foundation of moral values.


1. Always speak the truth.

2. Never lie.

3. A truthfulness person is liked by all.

4. Admit your mistakes always.


1. Try to speak less.

2. Speak only how much is required.

3. Speak very softly.

4. Always speak the truth.

5. Think twice before you speak.

6. Do not use bad words.

7. Bad language degrades the personality. 

8. Gentle and respectful language brightens your personality.


1. A selfish person is not liked by anyone. 

2. A selfish person always wants name and fame.

3. A selfless person has a pure heart.

4. A selfish person is insensitive towards others and always thinks about his own advantage and happiness.

5. Serve your parents, elders and guardians with a feeling of selflessness, this in turn will purify your soul.

Increase capability

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Work hard to improvise your weakness.

3. Continuous training helps to strengthen your capability.

4. Focus and concentration improves efficiency.

5. Success follows Capability and efficiency. 

Goal setting

1. You should live a goal oriented life.

2. Goal gives direction to your life.

3. A goal channelises all your energies in a positive direction.

4. Your goal should be SMART --

       S -- specific

       M -- measurable

       A -- achievable

       R -- realistic

       T -- time bound 

See yourself

1. Try to recognise your potential.

2. Avoid assessing and judging others.

3.  Judging others will divert your energy from knowing and improving yourself.

4. Judging yourself will help in building a distinctive personality.


1. Patience is virtue.

2. Impatience is the cause of mental imbalance.

3. Mental imbalance is an obstacle in the path of success.

4. Building patience helps to be balanced in all situations in life.